About Us

The 208 Local MS’ers is a group that began in 2017.  We started as a group of four ladies who shared one commonality:  we are all battling the disease Multiple Sclerosis. We soon discovered that we shared a second commonality:  each of us desired a positive, forward thinking community focused on how to live your best life while working through the challenges of a debilitating, chronic neurological disease.  Soon we decided that we would meet to brainstorm, share ideas, and enjoy some much needed comradery and develop a community that supports and understands one another.

One of our founding members Rebecca, owns a restaurant called the Local; thus we determined we would meet monthly at the Local, and the name was born: The 208 Local MS’ers.

We then decided that we would launch a Facebook group.  Yet we acknowledge that only having a Facebook group misses many potential members who do not use social media, which brings us to the creation of our website. For purposes of simplification we determined we would drop the “The” and we are now simply 208 Local MS’ers.

Since 2017 we have grown and learned.  We have laughed, we have cried, we have spent many hours together, and we have grown stronger.  We are committed to learning and growing and sharing our gifts, insights, talents, with all those who desire to join us in this quest to live their best, most positive life while thriving in spite of an ever changing, challenging condition.